Help your back, your shoulders, and your brain by utilizing gentle exercises/movements at or near your desk.

During this shelter in place time, I am hoping to bring relief to you through these short video breaks. My goal is to provide you with one short video per day during this time. The videos will include gentle movements, strength building opportunities, stretching, relaxation techniques, posture improvement, and more. All will be geared toward helping you reduce stress, increase your wellness, be more productive, and just plain feel better.

The videos are free, and will be available on YouTube at my Desk Dweller’s Relief channel, hosted by Workplace Wellness Yoga.

No special equipment required. Just you, in your work clothes, a chair, and perhaps some normal household items. We’re in this together. I’m with you. Here, to support you in the best way I know how. To share practical information with you.

To help keep you strong, flexible, balanced, happy, and well.

Feel free to share this information with others. Videos will be published at noon CST. I’ll try to be present during the video so you can chat with me over YouTube if you have questions. And the recording will stay on YouTube so that you can view it and practice along with it whenever you wish.

I am a RYT, DTM, Certified Yoga for Healthy Aging Instructor, who has been studying for years with physical therapists, and a medical doctor who are also yoga instructors. I am constantly studying about anatomy, posture improvement, stress reduction, and generally getting unstuck. Currently I am in process of earning my Yoga Wellness Educator Certification. My personal goal is to be able to live happily in my body and do whatever it is I want to do all my life. My additional goal is to be able to share that information with as many people as I can so that you can feel good in your body.

If you subscribe to my YouTube channel, you’ll automatically receive all the videos and information:

From my heart to yours,
Dorothy Robin

creator of Desk Dweller’s Relief

“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu – Sanskrit mantra