If average resting heartbeat is any indication of health…what does a resting heartbeat of 53 BPM for a woman (ahem, shall we say over 50?) mean to you? To me, it is amazing…since pretty much all I’ve been doing recently is yoga.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a firm believer in cross training. Prior to ‘the accident’ * last August, I was a high energy gal, not only practicing yoga, but also regularly swimming, running, bike riding, walking, gardening, ya know…Moving! and having fun doing it. Resting heart rate last year, with all that activity, was 63.

Going through the difficult rehabbing process with a highly recommended PT ** I have been working back into the occasional run, back into the swimming, etc. But, to be honest, my knee just isn’t where it was Prior to the accident, and still is uncomfortable with certain motions. So, for better or for worse, for the past few months, I’ve done mostly yoga, and very little of the other activities. I have been Teaching Yoga, my own home practice, and attending other yoga classes. (and most of what I teach and practice is slow, strong holds rather than fast paced flow…personally, I intensely dislike being injured, and don’t want to be injured or cause an injury in others, so I’m very careful about safe alignment in yoga asanas/postures.)

The gentle, restorative, strength-building, honoring my body practice of yoga seems to be working for me and my heart!

Ahh…This is just one of the many reasons I’m such a fan of yoga!


*’the accident’ meaning the completely torn ACL, partially torn MCL, and partially torn meniscus, requiring knee surgery at RUSH with the oh-so-awesome Dr. Bernard Bach. Surgeon extraordinaire, with a great ‘bedside manner’.

**Highly recommended Physical Therapist Denise Smith http://www.smithptrun.com/ who is, not only extremely knowledgeable, but has the most delightful personality, is genuinely encouraging, and has made huge difference in both me preparing for the surgery and recovering from it.